2018 Missouri Family Physician of the Year
Join iFM in Congratulating Dr. Campbell on Being Named 2018 Family Physician of the Year by the Missouri Academy of Family Physicians!
The Family Physician of the Year is selected by the Missouri Academy of Family Physicians based on his/her work in family medicine caring for patients in a compassionate and comprehensive manner. In addition, Dr. Campbell is being recognized because of his involvement in the community providing care to those who have been underserved. He is a role model to health professionals and students and exemplifies the leadership role of a family physician in improving health in Missouri.
Judging Criteria*
The Family Physician of the Year Award recognizes a physician who:
Provides his/her patients with compassionate, comprehensive and caring family medicine on a continuing basis.
Is directly and effectively involved in community affairs and activities that enhance the quality of his/her community.
Provides a credible role model, both professionally and personally, to his/her community, to other health professionals, and to residents and medical students.
Can effectively represent MAFP and the specialty of Family Medicine by presenting a good public image.
Exemplifies the family physician’s leadership role in improving the health of our state.
Eligibility Requirements (MAFP Staff will verify) Each nominee must:*
Be in active practice
Spend at least 50 percent of his/her time in direct patient care
Be a MAFP member in good standing
Be board certified in family medicine and/or an AAFP Fellow
Be in practice at least ten years since completing residency training